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Ohio Medical Marijuana Program Sends Patient news letter on February 26th

Patients who have signed up for the state alerts 📢regarding the ohio medical marijuana program received a February Patients Newsletter on 2/26/2021 via email. 🤔

See attached copy of the long Newsletter below. 0

The news letter offers little to no information about concerns patients have regarding the operation of the program.

It basically repeated information that has already been published which has also created additional confusion about the patients registry which has never been quite successful at keeping track or patients days.

The extension for expired medical marijuana cards is also mentioned. This issue has resulted in several patients being turned away from the dispensary because their Ohio medical marijuana card or recommendation has expired. Many patients thought they had more time to renew the doctor recommendation and the state issue medical marijuana card . 🙄

If you would like a virtual town hall meeting to discuss any questions and concerns regarding the Ohio Medical Marijuana Program.

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